from here wow items on I a wee bit lost
Ah, you not the first one who gotten confused about this, don worry. :) wow items There a note on the "Job change" page that explains why your stat point distribution suddenly changes and why you able to do that. I think I add the note to main page in this section too. But first, I explain here!
As soon as you chosen your job (at level 31), all of your stat buy wow gear points get reset and put back into your stat point "pool" so you can redistribute them. The Mage 1-30 chart shows how to distribute stat points up until level 30 and assumes you pick your job as soon as you hit level 31.
The Wizard 31+ chart picks up at level 31 at the point right after you chosen to become a Wizard, and shows you where wow gold your points should go when you redistributing them. Remember, as soon as you become a Wizard they all get reset, so you can look at your future Wizard skill requirements and redistribute the stat points accordingly. The Wizard 31+ chart makes the redistributing process a little easier by showing the Wizard skills that have stat point requirements and making a suggestion of the best order in which to learn the skills.
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