
1200 buy wow weapons hours=50 days= GOLD

Yesterday DD turned one. ÂIt's hard to believe how fast the year has gone. ÂI started pumping on day one. ÂAfter 36 hours of induced labour, DD was born via c-section. ÂShe seemed to latch right away in recovery. However things went down hill quickly. ÂI have flat nipples, with one much larger than the other, it was difficult for both of us. ÂI tried a nipple shield which seemed to work for a few minutes, LO got frustrated and I got frustrated, so I pumped. ÂI fed LO with a cup for two weeks to avoid nipple confusion before finally giving up and using a bottle. ÂI then continued to see a LC for 4 months twice a week. ÂI had nurses at the hospital tell me to give up and feed formula. ÂOne of the LCs told me the same thing. ÂI live in Switzerland and if you can't breastfeed, you formula feed, pretty much no one has heard of EPing. ÂA couple of weeks ago I ran into one of the LC. ÂShe said, oh it looks like you gave up. ÂOk DD weighs 23 pounds but has never had a drop of formula. ÂI followed all the rules, i was lucky always staying a few ozs ahead of DD. Âi have never had a huge freezer stash, thats ok, feed the baby not the freezer. ÂIt's been quite a journey. ÂThis board has been great, extremely helpful. ÂI will be around for a bit longer. ÂI am currently at 3 ppd, was going to drop to two on her birthday, Âhowever DD is not much of an eater, so I will continue pumping. ÂHopefully a few more weeks, I can drop to two. ÂAlthough every time I think about it, it makes me nervous. ÂI hate pumping but am thankful I have been able to provide DD with BM. ÂSo here I am, just past the pumping milestone of 1200 hours. ÂThat's 50 days of straight pumping. ÂNot to mention a full two weeks of just cleaning and sterilizing bottles. ÂSo, of course, when any FTMs come on and start talking about EPing right from the beginning, I am always going to try and encourage at least getting LO to latch, if baby latches, you have the best of both worlds. ÂI had always planned on pumping at some point, just not all the time. ÂSadly, I will never know what it's like to BF, due to medical problems, DD will be an only. Â Wherever you are on your journey, glitter, silver or gold. ÂHang in there. ÂThere are bad days and good days. ÂJust remember, we are all superheroes.
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