
Weapons of Mass Distraction

Weapons of Mass Destruction: that's what we were told. That claim justified the use of deadly force in a region where our nation seeks favor, or even control. And this is the status quo in the governing of our society.

I call it: Weapons of Mass Distraction. We sit in expectation as the selections wow gold from our two major political parties tell us what we should expect from each of them. They wow us with hyperbole over what they have done/will do, and what their adversary has done/will do if we will entrust them with the reigns of leadership.

We are distracted by job creation; we are distracted by gas prices; but we do not get what we pay for. We get what they want us to have. So they make their promises; they promise change, and they promise to fix. But none of it truly happens.

It has not always been this way. Our founders created a nation based upon individual freedom and choice. Our Constitution, and before that, our Declaration of Independence, declared that we the people were sovereign and free, and that we must decide for ourselves what was most beneficial for our own lives.

Despite their personal religious choices our founders made sure to emphasize tolerance and personal choice. This is reflected in the documents they signed and policies they employed. These were servant citizens; unlike politicians today. We have career politicians, bureaucracies, and agencies upon agencies to conduct the life of the "state". In what has become the largest employer in the land, we have an entity that consumes much more of our resources than it produces. The rate of failure there would doom any private company; but we are distracted.

We are distracted by bailouts; distracted by stimulus; distracted by wars; distracted by taxes, deficits, inflation, deflation, Wall Street. we cannot see the forest for the trees.

We are taught that only government can give us healthcare; only government can give us education; only government can control the food supply. we must be horribly distracted. For people still die from food poisoning; children fall behind in learning skills; and our health gets worse while costs soar.

Our government throws us a bone, and goes about its business as if we do not exist. We are distracted. by bread and circus, by market stability, by relative peace and security. but we have been distracted.

We are distracted by crises and distracted by issues; but we must see through wow gold it, we must see what we have become- dependents. We depend on the nanny to suckle us from womb to tomb. We have been so distracted that we have sold our souls; we have handed over freedom for a little security.

Just like in church, we buy wow weapons have believed that we are saved. We have believed that we are better off.

But it is a lie. The beast has two heads, one that will destroy us one way, the other by yet another way. We choose. the lesser of two evils, because we have been distracted. We believe that one will surely lead us to safety, but they never do. Because the leaders will never hand the reigns back to the followers.

Reason allows us to get through the distractions. Reason points us to what is true. When we apply reason, the fog is lifted and we see things as they really are. We see that there were no weapons in Iraq, we see that Iran wants to use nuclear power for peace, and we see that Israel wants war and to use nuclear weapons. Distractions. We cannot run other nations; we have enough oil; Corporations should suffer consequences for failure. Distractions.

We do not need to be told what to believe, how to live, wow items or how to behave. We have the power to put aside the distractions and take responsibility for ourselves. It is what the founders wanted for us- for all of the generations that followed them. But we got distracted.

They gave us what we asked for: the politicians. When we discovered that we could vote for favors we wow gold got them. And they fed us; they told us they would take care of everything. no, not all at once; but little by little. like the bugs that nibble at my garden plants. until there is nothing left and we are left with holding the bag. I didn't want that debt. That war. That dollar. That change.

Smoke and mirrors. Dust. Hope has given way to fear, doubt, insecurity. What is left? We don't even hold them to their promises. And we argue over distractions.

This is not legitimate government. The survival of the greatest experiment in history is at stake. And we argue over who will stand at the helm as the Titanic shudders to a halt. We think that we are unsinkable. America will prevail! But we have been grossly distracted.

Men are shouting from the grandstand, but we listen to the experts. They distract us with smart rhetoric and confuse us with facts and figures that do not resonate with our lives. But we follow them wherever they will lead us. Because this is how it has always been. Or so we believe.
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