
Vinyl buy wow weapons Cafe with Stuart McLean

The Vinyl Cafe is a radio show heard on CBC Radio in Canada, wow gold on selected public radio stations in the United States, on Sirius Satellite Radio channel 159, on Podcast, and live online. The show is written and hosted by Stuart McLean and features stories, essays and music (both live and recorded).

The Vinyl Cafe stories are about Dave, owner of the wow gold second hand record store, and they are collected in books and on CD. The stories also feature Dave's wife, Morley, their two children, Sam and Stephanie, and assorted friends and neighbours.

Stuart's new book is now available in sensible bookstores. The book wow gold is full of stories that rediscover the deep, delicious thrill of fear that looms so large in childhood and spills over into adult life to startling, often delightful, effect. Click here for more information.

2012 buy wow weapons VINYL CAFE ARTHUR AWARDS

This week on The Vinyl Cafe we present the 2012 Vinyl Cafe Arthur Awards. These are the awards designed to honour the things that ordinary people do every day. Little things and big things; things that, too often, go unheralded and unnoticed.
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