
Chocolate brings us magic charms in our daily life

is a transliteration of foreign words (once translated as "chocolate"). Cocoa beans are the main raw material, and it's very early origins. The heyday began in Mexico. It was the worship of chocolate society, like the chili, Pepper, vanilla beans and spices to add in beverages, playing bubble, and use the gold cup to drink 50CC every day. This drink is a member of the court. Because fewer milk ingredients, usually sugar is low. Cocoa flavor is not masked by other flavors, melted in the mouth, the aroma of cocoa lovers for a long time in the teeth. Some people even believe that eating dark chocolate is to eat real chocolate. Typically, high-end chocolate is dark chocolate with pure cocoa flavor. Because cocoa itself is not a sweet, even some bitter, dark chocolate, so the more unpopular.

tothe survey, milk chocolate accepted bymost Asians, the type ofchocolate imported into the country mostly extramilk. This chocolate, milk and cocoa taste both for people who like fragrant creamy. But this feels more sweet chocolate. White chocolate, because they donot contain cocoa powder, cocoa butter and milk only, sowhite. Only such a chocolate scent ofcocoa, chocolate taste, and generally different. Some people donot have tobeclassified aschocolate because oflow cocoa content, sugar content ishigh, sothe white chocolate will taste sweet. White chocolate ischocolate color asthe base material, add food coloring. The ingredients, grinding, tempering, pour molding process from a series ofprocesses, inchocolate-coated puffed food, cold drinks chocolate coating, chocolate and other color has wide application.

chocolate: chocolate is milk chocolate brown. The taste is very good, very welcome; a long time, the taste of milk chocolate, with its balanced by consumers, but also the world's largest class consumption of chocolate products. The first milk chocolate formula invented by the Swiss. Belgium and the UK is also a major producer of milk chocolate. They are often mixed powder process, has a similar flavor of cheese. Relative to the black chocolate, milk chocolate is lighter, sweeter, and no longer have a greasy taste. Good milk chocolate products, cocoa and milk should be between the flavor to achieve a perfect balance, similar to both the attachment between the two lovers and independent of the subtleties.

milk chocolate can help to enhance brain function, especially the focus on brain . Milk chocolate contains a lot of stimulation which can play the role of substances such as theobromine, caffeine, and phenethyl, etc. These substances can enhance the vitality of the brain, people become more alert, attention increased. We can know the grade level of chocolate at the moment of eating. Good chocolate is full of sweet aromatic . The entrance is a charming detail ,too. There will be crisp sound bite, then melted in the light between enunciation. Smooth taste and aroma of cocoa flows in the teeth, but there will be no residue left behind. When tasting chocolate, be sure not just breathing a bit off, or with a with the swallow.
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