
Wrapping my head around scanning smuggled mug in the round wow gold b2

Wrapping my head around scanning smuggled mug in the roundSo buy wow gold, Father's Day is coming up and I'd love to give my father a reproduction of the mug I got him when I was younger. I've scoured the Internet for years, and even went so far as to call Hallmark Corporate and beg for backstock, with no luck. So I had my Mom smuggle the mug to me, so I've determined the best plan of attack will be to just scan it myself. Which is awesome, but I have no idea how to start or stitch the pictures together or anything, really. Should I scan the mug or take multiple pictures, or what?I have a scanner, a digital camera and Adobe Photoshop and GiMP at my access wow gold. How on earth can I do this? Here are pictures of the mug: view one wow gold kopen, view two, view three.Hmm, maybe build a mask with black paper so you don't blind yourself, then just hold the mug at one end, press scan and roll it steady as the bar moves. I be after practicing a few times, you'll get a decent scan.posted by sammyo at 6:30 PM on June 5, 2011What about making a new image in Photoshop or GiMP and having the mug made of that one. It may be tedious but possibly less so than trying to roll and scan the mug.posted by Phantomx at 6:34 PM on June 5, 2011I'm fashioning myself a construction paper mask right now, sammyo, you might be my hero! I'll post results as soon as I find some stickers and maybe a feather or two for mask-flare.posted by banannafish at 6:39 PM on June 5, 2011Scanners tend to be really finicky about anything not right up on the glass, so I would suggest a backup plan. this would involve taking 20 or 30 photographs of the mug with your digital camera (use the Macro setting so the focus is crystal clear up close), then use Microsoft ICE (free) which will automatically stitch the images together. If there's any distortion you can pick from several "camera motion" methods to figure out which one works best. I'd also suggest keeping the camera in a fixed position and just rotate the mug slowly as you go, this way it keeps the light levels more constant. I'm not 100% sure all this will work, but it's the first thing I'd try.posted by crapmatic at 6:48 PM on June 5, 2011 [4 favorites]You're going to have to do so much editing to make something nice out of a scan, crapmatic's method is probably more efficient from a time and effort standpoint. I second having the camera in a fixed position.posted by SMPA at 6:52 PM on June 5, 2011After wearing my black construction paper mask, downloading three different stitching software packaged, taking 75 pictures and making a jig from toothpicks, Laffy Taffy and a beer coaster, I am finally throwing in the hat and simply making it (hopefully).posted by banannafish at 6:05 PM on June 6, 2011Just as a followup for any future questions - I actually called in a favor from a friend at an Art Museum and they used their 3D Wand Scanner and the image was a little distorted but still looked okay, so I went ahead and ordered the one I created in GiMP and the scanned one, and my father was beside himself. He was so happy and blown away with the thought I put into it. Thanks again, everyone!
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