
The Joy Flowers Can Bring

My husband and I purchased a home about 2 years ago. It takes work (yikes!) to maintain the lawn! But every now and then we are given refreshment--to look out at the grass, freshly mowed . . . the flowers, this color and that color in bloom . . . wow! What sites.

My son and I were walking the other day, down the sidewalk. I looked to the right, at the yards. wow gold ideal Many of which were in spring blossom, the purples, the pinks. While there is loveliness as I leisurely walk, I can't help but imagine, "If this were my yard, what would I do differently with it? Would I have chosen that specific plant to go specifically there? Or would I have chosen something else, something smaller maybe, less bushy?"

As I ponder the landscaping of various homes, enjoying much of it, yet critiquing some wow gold of it, I am overcome with the awe of flowers. How beautiful they are. How unique they are. How delicate and short lasting their life. And how much joy and pleasure they give me . . . just to see them, to soak up their exuberance.

My son and I got home, took off our shoes and rested a bit. Dad came home for lunch, just about the time when the FedEx truck pulled up. "Are they going to deliver a package to our neighbors, or to us," I thought. The FedEx lady got out of the vehicle, circled round the grill and headed our direction. "Oh, boy, the package looked to be for us! What could it be? I didn't order anything . . . did you, Honey? Nope."

My husband opened the door, graciously accepted the gift, which was a long, rectangular package, 3 feet by 5 inches, or so. By the writing on the outside of the box it appeared that the contents must have been what I was just marveling at a few minutes prior . . . flowers! Someone sent me flowers. But who? My husband said it wasn't him. I took his word for it. It was for me . . . but why would someone send me flowers?

While excitement was with me, bits of panic also arose . . . "Oh, no, do I have a secret admirer, a stalker? Is it that guy from 7 years ago that sent me flowers on every whim? It's not that person again, is it? Oh, no!"

Thankfully, sigh of relief, it was not from the former stalker man. Rather, it was a lovely bouquet of flowers sent specifically to me for a very special occasion: for me to enjoy as I awaited the arrival of our forthcoming child.
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