
How to Raise an Orphaned Kitten

The first thing you will need, of course is an orphaned kitten. The next thing you will need is a supply of energy. Kittens 3 weeks old or younger are much like newborn humans; the biggest difference is you don't have to change the diapers.

You now have your orphaned kitten and are looking at this scrawny, noisy; clawing bundle of fur that will fit in your hand, with room left over.

Determine the sex, if you don't know how I recommend seeing your vet, which is the next step in any case. Your vet will be able to determine the kitten's age with in a few days.

At this age a few days will make a big difference in your kittens ability to survive. Your vet will also be able to tell you if the kitten has any medical problems that will limit your ability to successfully raise it to adulthood. Your vet will give you recommendations on feeding, housing and caring for your kitten. Follow them, this is not intended to replace your vets good advice, but rather to give practical suggestions for following the vets advice.

The kitten will need to be fed frequently, wow gold kept warm and clean. You are not a cat, presumably, so you will have to substitute various things for a mother cats attributes.

Living area

I suggest a small area- an unused playpen is great but lacking that, a cardboard box will work. This will serve to keep the kitten contained when he starts to wander and keep him from being accidentally stepped on, or sat on.

It will also provide him with security. Old towels or rags make a perfect nest, and will serve to keep the kitten warm. If your kitten is a single kitten, a small stuffed animal, or soft beanbag will give it a "litter mate" to play with and to snuggle.


The importance of handling your kitten cannot be emphasized enough. If possible, carry him with you all day- wow gold an apron pocket, or shirt pocket is ideal. This will help insure that he becomes tame and also keep him warm. Frequently stroke him gently, particularly around the mouth and chin, a mother cat will do this many times during the day. This stimulates the sucking instinct and helps him associate you with comfort.


If your kitten is not eating solid food, or can not eat enough yet to maintain his weight and grow, the next step is purchasing formula. I highly recommend also that you purchase a pet feeding bottle. Eyedroppers work, but you will appreciate just how convenient a cat bottle is the first time you use it. Your vet can tell you which one, and the appropriate dilution for your kitten. Most pet stores will carry the necessary supplies. Do not under any circumstances give your kitten cows milk or baby formula. It will severely upset them, and can lead to diarrhea, which could be fatal.

How often to feed your kitten will depend upon his age, and development, Your vet can advise you about the best feeding schedule.

Be prepared to have 2AM feedings for a week or wow items two if your kitten is very young. Generally the kitten will eat every 2-3 hours. This will gradually strech out to 4-6 hours the closer to weaning he is.


Keeping your kitten clean is very important. Give it a bath as needed, and wipe with a warm wet washcloth buy wow weapons after every feeding. Make sure to keep the kitten warm. If absolutely necessary use a blowdryer on a low setting to dry and warm your kitten. I recommend not blowing the air directly on the kitten, but rather putting the kitten in his home, and blowing the air around the home, to warm the air and dry him at the same time.

Giving the kitten a bath is not nearly as dangerous as giving a grown cat a bath can be. Use an inch or so of water in a bowl or small tub, and quickly wet and try to clean up with out use of soap.

When bathing or wiping with a washcloth, remember a mother cat does this to help stimulate his circulation and encourage regular bowel movements. Use short circular motions, particularly on the abdomen. Pay close attention to the anal area, and also around the face. Use firm, but gentle strokes, if you find the kittens skin is becoming red or irritated, use softer strokes.

What to do when problems arise.

Here are a couple of things I ran into when bottle-feeding kittens and the solutions that worked for me.

For a constipated kitten, add 2-5 drops of olive oil, or vegetable oil to each 2 tablespoons of formula.

A kitten with diarrhea, make sure that he is drinking enough, and put a pinch, (less than 1/8 teaspoon) of flour in each 2 tablespoons of formula. If he recently moved from formula to solid or canned food, go back to formula for the remainder of the day, without any changes in his formula. If these don't work after 24 hours see your vet right away.

The kitten is throwing up. Make sure his formula is buy wow weapons fresh, and properly diluted. If it is, see your vet. If you are weaning him, again, go back to formula for a day and then try him on solid food.

If your kitten won't eat, or take formula, see your vet as soon as possible.

In conclusion, raising an orphaned cat is a challenge, but with care and a lot of luck you will succeed. Your vet is your best resource and should be able to answer any and all questions. I have successfully raised several orphaned cats, and they bring me a great deal of joy to this day. I hope yours will too.
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