
What wow gold Happens If You Ignore Diabetes

Over 2 million people in the UK alone are thought to have diabetes 2 and be completely unaware of it.

The biggest problem it seems to me, is two fold.

The first issue revolves around around human nature. Few of us, I believe, really want to know if we have either the potential for, or already have, a non-curable disease. Why have the added stress of knowing that we have an incurable disease? I think this may be paticularly true of males like myself. I avoid going to the doctor at all costs - I think it's a pride thing. I don't want to be dependant on anything or anyone.

That's perhaps a bit extreme, but I believe we also have a fear of finding out we may have a chronic disease.

One of the problems with type 2 diabetes is that we can have it and not notice. If we don't think we're ill, we're not going to waste the good doctor's time!

With stress level in the workplace at an all time high, it's easy to blame the symptoms of type 2 diabetes to on this fact, and also, because it often appears in the over 40s, lon getting older.

However, it's very important that as we age, we check in with our doctors and tell the doctor about these things.

Diabetes is basically a condition where there is too much sugar in the buy wow weapons blood. Sugar provides the energy the body needs and it is insulin that unlocks the cells to allow the sugar in. A lack of insulin and the sugar is not absorbed, resulting in tiredness (and many other issues too).

The nervous system, kidneys and wow gold eyes are most at risk from long term damage as a result of type 2 diabetes.

It's a fact that in the UK a third of those undergoing dialysis have wow gold type 2 diabetes. The potential for kidney damage is the same for both type 1 and type 2 sufferers. Control of blood sugars, blood pressure and lowering your bad cholesterol are the main ways of preventing or slowing the onset of kidney disease.

Diabetes can also damage the optic nerve. Retinopathy and catarats buy wow weapons are more common in diabetics, so it is vital to have an annual eye check which checks the back of the eye itself, as opposed to a simple vision check.

Approximately sixty percent of diabetics suffer from what is caled neuropathy. This is damage to the nerves the consequence of which is often a loss of feeling in the feet and legs. It can sometimes lead to amputation. If blood sugars are controlled, it can be avoided, but if sugars are ignored, neuropathy generally sets in after 10 years or so.

The consequences of untreated diabetes are pretty frightening. Be sure to see your doctor for a regular check up, and tell them any changes in your overall condition, just in case.
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