
That wow gold going to cost you

Retailers have been complaining of customers trying on clothes in their store, only to buy it cheaper online.

But a survey released today by Canstar Blue showed 25 per wow gold cent of respondents supported a "try-on" charge - which would be refunded at the point of sale "to help the brick and mortar retail industry recoup costs following the boom in online shopping".

"At the moment 'try-on' charges are wow gold mostly confined to specialist retailers who supply items such as wedding dresses, ski suits and cameras," Ms Logan said.

But Choice spokesman Christopher Zinn was sceptical of the survey result.

"The idea of paying a fee which you would forfeit if you didn't buy the thing would be right up there with the most unpalatable of ideas," Mr Zinn said.

"Retailers worth their salt know full well if you start charging people the equivalent of admission to try on products it's going to turn people away."

The internet does not "charge admission fees" and if shops did it would be hard to stay competitive, he said.

National Retail Association CEO Gary wow items Black said Australian retailers were competing with foreign websites on an uneven playing field.

Mr Black said many consumers were using bricks and mortar retailers to check the quality and sizing of products before buying them elsewhere online.

"It undermines the productivity of the business because you're deploying human resources and sales staff into an entirely unproductive endeavour," Mr Black said.

Mr Black said while retailers were buy wow gear considering a 'try-on' fee, they were worried they might "throw the baby out with the bath water".

Sure, charge a try-on fee. Thats smart business, right?

Rather than actually attempting to be compettitive with the internet stores, just blame the internet for all you worries, then charge people to look at your stock. Clever business. wow items Hope the stores that do this close down. Will be a life lesson for them. Australians have been overcharged and ripped off for too long, and only in the last few years have people looked online and realized. I never used to think twice about 100 dollar video games, but now I know that I can buy the same thing, shipping included, for half that, what consumer wouldn't? Crying poor is not getting you anywhere, no one cares, time to own up for all the years of rip offs.

calral of wow items ACT Posted at 12:08 PM November 02, 2011

Two problems most bricks and mortar retailers have are appalling websites, and that most online purchases are from Australian sites, not overseas ones. If they do not improve their service and facilities they will go out of business. I have purchased online a pool pump and filter, a stainless steel splashback, many audio visual products as examples of things that are much cheaper online within Australia than the retail outlets here in Canberra. Wake up retailers if you want my business.
More articles come from the:http://www.buywowgold.nl/wow-gold-us.html

