
wowhow To Buy Gold Without Account Banned

Since Blizzard official start checking the wow gear irregularly gold trading in world of warcraft, so many players were worried that if their account will be banned.

When you're getting involved with a game like World of Warcraft, the importance of making gold and setting yourself up for success is paramount. Unfortunately, one of the most important things you can do is also one of the most boring thing you have to face. So, are you intersted in buy wow gold online, urgent need wow gold after you killing monster or trading mounts with others, but hasitate to buy since the account banned case happened before? Here will tell you how to buy wow gold without account banned, if you follow the below tips, your account will be safe.

1. Don't trust the ADs in-game, some cheating people always shouting in game that they can provide the cheapest wow gold. That is so brazenly, if you are a experienced wow player, you will know that on one dare to sell wow gold in game in public. All wow gold trading always finished in private.

2. Don't buy gold in huge quantities, which means wow gold if you are a character under 40 level, don't carry so much wow gold. Official will check the small account but carry huge amount wow gold termly.

3. Don't TELL people you bought gold while wow gold playing World of Warcraft, there is no need for advertising! Blizzard GM often investigate the account safe if someone report illegit wow gold trading happened!

4. Don't buy wow gold from a wow gold store without having a detailed research to figure out its possibility. But in the PvP function, if you a . You'll spend the majority of your time travelling across the world, excavating the landscape for different materials. In the enjoyment industry, not only has it assisted media promotion, it has also assisted the game playing market, or specif .
More articles come from the:http://www.buywowgold.nl/guide

