
Is buy wow gear Lady GaGa going too far

lady gaga sucks. she doesnt even make proper music, all she does is talk over the top of synthasised sounds. thats not wow items music. shes just doing this to get more publicity. and shes not different, shes just the same as all the other sl*ts. her music is crap too. so all these people that say shes 'different', shes not. shes a loser. i agree with tomi the DJ. and really, her hero is david bowie, listen to him! hes an actual (totally sexy)musician. and hes different. lady gaga isnt.

I agree, i'm a 21 year old aussie male, i would say i know a good looking girl when i see one, and i dont think she is good looking at all, nor does she sing well, or have my respect. From the get go in her wow items poker face clip, she was intent on trying to disrespect herself, with all these guys hovering around her like some piece of meat. And all the little girlies buy it. I hate this woman. She is the epitome of unoriginal, and tryhard antics, yet still, people keep sipping it up, following like little sheep. Put some freakin clothes on already. If this alone doesnt tell you how tryhard she is, what will? ''Oh yeah i'm Lada Gaga i can wear whatever i want, i dont care its winter, im badass'' I HOPE she gets sick, then we'll see who can't perform. Goes to show what she thinks of fans also, she couldnt care less if she could play a show or not, and things like this prove it. Youve got to stay away from getting sick, not TRY to with stupid crap like this.

I'm an male 19 year old Australian wow gold DJ, and for all the little girls who have just posted a comment about "she can wear whatever she wants" you're naive.

Girls that feel they need to be socially accepted but have to dress up like s*uts to prove that image are stupid. Because it's not what she wears, it's how the population of teenage girls that see her then go "Oh wow, I want to dress like that too".

I see it all the time in wow items nightclubs and parties, these girls that crave guys to want to look at them, this is exactly what this gaga chick does.

Then all you teenage girls think it's the norm to under dress because all the big celebrities do it. It doesn't make you a better person, and this is why there are rapes, drugs and violence.
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