
Teaching the girlfriend how to play WoW Much harder then I thought

Goes much deeper then the game itself, but the 3D engine. She has never wow gold played a game in which she had full control over the camera and movement of the character. We spent the last few nights going over mouse movement coupled with keyboard movement to maximize efficiency when fighting, traveling or just standing around looking at stuff.

It strange how something so natural for me is a very difficult task for her.

Last night we practiced stressful situations in which I pulled aggro from the mob she was attacking. She needed to be on her toes and be able to turn the camera, follow the enemy, without clicking off the target and going out of combat. Something that seems easy to some, but someone without much practice can find a bit challenging.

After we get movement, attacking and all the other basic elements of the game down, we going to go over items: Armor, Weapons, etc. What they mean and what the stats mean. When we finish that lesson we move on to skills and trade-skills.

Wish me luck. I have always been for fast attack over huge hits. Looking over alot of messages here I notice for max dps I want moderately slow weapons instead of my preferred 1.8 before buffs. Heck I have seen my attack drop to .97 or .87 I cant remember which. Of course that is a 1.8 bow, 15% quiver, rapid shot and quick shots going.

With that said I have a question for those of you who are up closer to 70 wow gold than me and know more about number crunching then I do. Has blizzard intentionally left out fast attack range weapons from BC because with end game equipment and serpent swiftness a fast bow will do more damage? (I figure the real reason is because a majority of people just don want them)

This of course is a hope I have just because I love fast attacks. I plan on testing the theory out as soon as I get my grand marshal bow and get to 65lvl at least. Anyone have some info that destroys my hopes before then?

Yeah ith EZGamers your dreams wouldnt be blown bro. He helps provide a cheap service that offers power leveling to many games as well as wow gold and other types of products.

